What happens on your date with your selected Las Vegas Escort is totally up to you. Some of our more popular requests include:
A “Girlfriend Experience” is one you won’t be soon to forget. Pick out one of our female escorts to play the part. The good thing is you don’t need to remember her birthday or pay for her car insurance bill when all is said and done!
Who couldn’t use a good massage? Our out-call escorts are available to come straight to your home or hotel room to use their fingers all over your body. Image your escort nude using her own body on yours to relax you!
If you want to bring your significant other along for a date, pick out two of our gorgeous Las Vegas escorts to accompany you. Each of you will be pampered, and you’ll be completely satiated when the session draws to a close. Let your imagination run wild!
If you have a fetish, let your escort help you explore it in detail. We do not shy away from any type of fetish at all and some of our escorts even have their own! Let us in on your secret, and we will match you up with a Las Vegas Escort who understands and wants to help you expand on your desires!
Don’t pay the price to see strippers at a club when you can have your own sexy escort nude right in front of your face. You won’t have to compete with others, and you’ll be the center of your beautiful escort’s attention.
Have a bunch of guys that need some one-on-one action with beautiful women? We love bachelor parties and can make the surprise factor one that will be remembered for years to come!